Wednesday 22 September 2010

Where I've been

I've been AWOL from the blog for a while, and even ended up missing the deadline for most of the Read-A-Thon I was taking part in. Apart from the usual work comitments, I've been working on my appliction to the Univeristy of Aberdeen to study for a PhD. A few weeks ago I was at the Myth, Literature and the Unconscious conference at the University of Essex in relation to this.  My supervisor (I can say that now that I've officially accepted my offer) was giving one of the keynote lectures, as was the amazing Marina Warner. She's pretty big in the area of myth and fairytale in women's writing.

I took screens and screens of notes, and was pretty much blown away by my supervisor. I knew that he was good, I'd seen his CV and I'd met him to discuss my porposal so I should have been prepared for a very good lecture on his part, but afterwards I had to text the other half to go 'WOW'. He told me that he had a similar experience the first time he heard his supervisor lecture, so perhaps we are all supposed to be in awe of our academic superiors?  I certainly hope I'm not the only one.

I was staying with  friend of mine at her sisters, nd we got to hng out which was cool. We also went out in London one night and I navigated the Underground all by myself. For a girl from an ex-mining village in central Scotland, this was  pretty big thing. Being out in London was pretty much like being out anywhere else, really.

I've been bak up North now for a while, and I seem to have forgotten the hastles of traveling to England to go to a conference, becuse I'm doing another one. Less myth, more vampires this time.

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